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All Materials available in Banana World are protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. Copyright © 1998-2003.  All rights reserved.

Banana World directory is organized by subject. Most sites in it are suggested to us by users. Sites are placed in categories by Banana World Surfers, who visit and evaluate your suggestions and decide where they best belong. We do this to ensure that Banana World is organized in the best possible way, making the directory easy to use, intuitive, helpful, and fair to everyone.

When you access Banana World, you agree to the following terms of use: 

  • You may retrieve the contents of Banana World for informational purposes only. 
  • You may save a local copy or send it to your printer for your own personal use or in order to inform authorized and potential users of Banana World. However, you may not charge for such use. 
  • You must include the copyright notice in any copy that you make. 
  • You may not modify the information found in without the express permission of Copyright Clearance Center.
Linking to
  • CCC encourages and appreciates links in your own Web pages to Permission is expressly granted to any person who wishes to place a link in his or her own Web page to bananaworld's home page in its entirety and any sub-pages you want. As a courtesy, if you link to, or include in an index, please let us know. Thank you for your cooperation.


It came to our attention that e-mail spammers have attempted to use our company's unauthorized and non existing e-mail names to tarnish our company's name.  As you may know, President Bush recently signed into law, the Can Spam Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187).  This new law, which takes effect on January 1 2004, is intended to cut down on the rising level of unsolicited commercial emails, fraud email information and usage.  To do so, it imposes certain requirements for the delivery of commercial e-mails by instituting certain penalties for failing to comply with such requirements. (You can read the new law in its entirety at )



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